Three little boys were bragging about how tough they were.
"I'm so tough," said the first boy, "that I can wear out a pair of shoes in a week."
"Well," said the second little boy, "I'm so tough, I can wear out a pair of jeans in a day."
"That's nothing," said the third boy. "When my parents take me to see my gramma and grampa, I can wear them out in an hour."
Ah, as we read what the third little boy said I am sure that a lot of us can relate to this. The old question that seems to go around every year is “What do fish and relatives have in common”?
This past week Tina and I took some time off to relax and to get away on a camping trip. It all seems to be innocent and as we began to pack we do so with great anticipation of a week of relaxation. The problem is that innocent, relaxation and 2 boys don’t go together. Jeremy, our oldest is the one with all the answers and the rest of us are clueless. Brandon, the youngest, is an engineer from stem to stern. With Jeremy no conversation went by without an analogy of the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all. With Brandon his brain never rests; you could put him on a jet ski for hours, then take him golfing, go fishing and out to eat, and back to the camper to play games and he would look at you with a serious face and say that this camping trip is boring. His brain is in “process mode” all the time. He does not know how to just down load. So you can imagine how this past week went. There were times when Tina and I looked at each other and either rolled our eyes or just busted out laughing.
All in all we had a good time and will cherish this as our last vacation before Brandon leaves for collage. The Bible talks of our families, of how we should love them and cherish them. After all God did give them to us. Well just in case you are wondering, we do love our boys very much and are not sure how we feel yet of how quite it will be when Brandon is gone off to school.
Extended family is the same. While they are here it can be total chaos one minute and sweet memories later. I can only imagine what Christ must have felt while here on earth.
While in the garden praying He must have been in anguish as the disciples kept falling asleep. Matthew 26: 36-46 “What! Could you not watch with Me for one hour? Watch, pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is week.” You can imagine how Christ felt as He kept returning and finding His family asleep. I am sure it could have felt as if they did not care of what you were going thru.
As we trudge thru this hot summer let’s remember that Christ is our reason to endure and to love unconditionally. Cherish every moment you have with your family.
“The Greatest Adventure in Life is seen through the Love of Christ”
Bro John 501-262-0015