From the desk of Pastor John Johnston: 6-10-13
Well I know it has been
awhile since I have blogged so I thought I better get on the stick… Since Tina
and I got back from vacation it seems like we have been going 24/7. I have
decided to cut the blogs back to once or twice a month instead of every week
due to the fact that church has gotten very busy. No… that can’t be???
Preachers don’t work… do they???
Oh don’t think I can’t hear
you thinking… WHAT, you mean they are coming to church and don’t even have
toooooo???? While they are away from home… who will know that they did not
attend church??? We will come back to this…
There are a lot of great
things to consider when you are looking at the calendar. VBS is just around the corner. I was listening
to Tina and another pastor’s wife talk about the preparations. Oh they talk
about how frustrating all the preparation is and how it seems that they will
never get done but when you look at the expression on their faces you can tell
that they love this and wouldn’t have it any other way… They live for the
challenge, their creative minds are about to explode from all the ideas they
have… If they did not have VBS to plan for they would set at home and implode… J VBS is their time to shine… All those years of marketing
being unleashed on some poor unsuspecting small children that will go home
wired and exhausted all at once… There will be parents that won’t be able to
get their kids to sleep before midnight… J
Another great thing to look
forward to is summer camp… Hey if you are looking to find a way to pawn off
your kids for a week or two, send them to camp. Every church in the northern hemisphere
will have church camp this summer… theoretically you could send your kids off
for the entire summer seeing them only long enough to wash cloths buy them some
snacks and off again… Who says school being out is not good… send them to camp
and you won’t even have to feed them, much less than keeping them busy…
Ok, after that paragraph you
are probably thinking one of two things… either John hates kids or he has a
great idea there… Well I don’t hate kids, I love them and as a parent it can be
very beneficial for your kids to go to church camp and to VBS… What better way
to infuse them with the knowledge of Christ? This world wants you to reject Christ and to
not teach your children about Him or our Fathers love. We need to remain strong
and keep moving closer to God every day…
Earlier we talked about
church. It is good to take a vacation and if you miss a few Sunday’s here or there
it is no big deal, but remember, after a few Sundays satan will move in and
tell you to stay home. He will work on our weaknesses.
While Christ was praying in
the garden, He was in anguish for the hour was upon Him and the guards were
coming to take Him away and he said in Matthew 26: 40-41 40)Then He came to the disciples
and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What!
Could you not watch with Me for one hour? 41) Watch and pray, lest you enter
into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
This is what our problem is
today… we are weak and so we fall away too easily… Listen for Christ is asking
for you to watch and pray…
Bro John 501-262-0015