A Church of New Beginnings

Sunday School begins at 9:45 am
Morning Praise and Worship 10:45am
Sunday Evening Worship : 5:30 pm

Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm

Monday, July 1, 2013

From the desk of Pastor John Johnston 7-1-13


 Kids Revival:

Have you ever noticed that in most all churches that they will try to have a revival every year? For the most part they are going through the motions but revival still has not truly come. For most people it is a good time to get preached at for 4-5 nights in a row… “Ahhhh, that was a great week of sermons…” you will hear someone say, or maybe someone will say, “Wow that preacher really stepped on my toes, or man, he hit the nail on the head.”  The only problem with that is, that is the extent of the revival…

To me, if I have learned this correctly, revival is supposed to start in yours and my heart. If that is the case then revival should not be announced until the people are ready for revival. All too often churches will schedule a revival every year on the same week or month. If the people are not ready then what really happens?

A week or so ago, we were preparing for VBS and I talked to our congregation about who was the Greatest. Matthew 18:1-5 “At that time the disciples came to Jesus saying, “Who then is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” 2) Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3) and said, Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4) Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5) Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me”

At that time I asked for everyone to pray that God would send His number of children to our VBS. That He would lead those that needed this VBS the most and were ready to hear the gospel. We turned all over to God and took ourselves out of the picture except for to be used by Him. God gave me the idea of calling this a “Kids Revival”. Well just think about it for a minute… this would be a packed week of Christ infused, music filled, learning “Sign” language, goodie eating church you ever saw. People were smiling all that week; the church was fully decorated for the occasion, the aroma of popcorn filled the halls, and then the hush of silence as the kids set in classes and listened as the teachers told them the story of a Savior. Then they came together to learn songs of being brave, listening to God, and learning how to trust Jesus. It is so neat to hear all these kids singing at the top of their lungs, songs about Jesus… wow…

My job this past week was to run the sound and video. This was a job that, in my opinion, allowed me to observe all that was going on. The transformation of these kids, from quiet in the beginning, to singing aloud at the end of the week was heart lifting and just total joy. So why not call it ‘Kids Revival”? After all they came, they worshipped, they prayed, they had a snack and they heard the gospel.  

So what was the difference between “Kids Revival” and our revivals? Their hearts were humble and willing to learn. They were teachable and when it was all over they went home with a new perspective. But most of all; what is revival for? It is all about an experience with God… it is about a rapid change in your heart…At our VBS, when the dust settled, satan had lost five (5) souls, because five young children found the narrow road that leads to life (Matt. 7:13-14)         “A MEN”

“The Greatest Adventure in Life is seen Through the Love of Christ”

Bro John   501-262-0015