A Church of New Beginnings

Sunday School begins at 9:45 am
Morning Praise and Worship 10:45am
Sunday Evening Worship : 5:30 pm

Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

From the desk of Pastor John Johnston: 01-21-13

Whose side are you on?

Lately I have found myself hearing God say that it is time to make a stand for who you are going to follow.  Don’t get me wrong, I choose to stand on Christ’s side. But as we look across our nation there seems to be a never ending trend of people moving away from Christ. 

This morning I heard a story on K-Love (Christian radio) about a family that was in a restaurant in Texas having lunch. They have an autistic child and as they ate he was talking and making sounds. They had no clue that another table not far away was making fun of the child and insulting him. The waiter say what was going on and went to the folks hurling insults and told them that he would not serve them and that family left. The couple with the young boy did not know what the waiter did until someone told them. I do not know this waiter but I will pray for God to bless him for his standing up for what is the correct thing to do and that his boldness will be catching…

In a very similar situation, this story reminded of a time about 18 or so years ago when Tina and I were in a restaurant in Benton on a Sunday just after church. There was a couple sitting just a couple of tables over from us that had 3 little girls and a small baby boy. As they ate they noticed that a table in the same area that had 4 adults sitting there had become very loud and started cussing enough to make a sailor blush. I truly think that they did this on purpose since the entire restaurant was full of people that appeared to have been to church that day.

Well the father got up and walked over to the table of these loud people and very, I repeat, very nicely asked them if they could not cuss as he had impressionable children and he did not want them to be subjected to this at such a young age. At that moment I believe you could have heard a pin drop. As one of the men started to stand up to face him I found myself on my feet and stepping away from the table towards them. As he got to his feet he looked passed this frail looking man who requested for them to stop this nonsense and stood silent for a minute and then apologized to him and said they would hold it down. So the father thanked him and turned around to see something you don’t see very often. He looked at me and nodded an appreciative nod and sat down. So I turned around to sit down and noticed that 6 other big boys like me were standing just behind me. Like me they found themselves standing to make a stand not to let any harm come to this father that was trying to honor God and raise his children the best way he could. He had no clue I was standing behind him and I had no clue that these others were standing behind me. I am sure that this was a test from satin to see if he could win that day but was sorely defeated.

I am sure that some of you may be thinking that this is one of those holier than thou situations but it isn’t, my point is this, since that time I have not found myself or any others within my path that have done this to this day. God has allowed times in my life when I should have stood up but like so many others I choose to not say anything. I am not happy about this for a lot of reasons but I tell you this story to tell you that the time to stand up for decency is now. The time to stand up for Christ is now.

Romans 12:1-2 “I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2) And do not be conformed by this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove, what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”

For a generation we have seemed to set back and allow satin to have his way… we must now more than ever proclaim the wonderful day of the Lord and to exalt His name above every other name…

So what side are you on? Well the Bible teaches us that you are either on Christ’s side or you are not… no middle ground…

“The Greatest Adventure in Life is seen Through the Love of Christ”
Bro John   501-262-0015