A Church of New Beginnings

Sunday School begins at 9:45 am
Morning Praise and Worship 10:45am
Sunday Evening Worship : 5:30 pm

Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

From the desk of Pastor John Johnston: 01-28-13

A sinking boat…

They say it happens to everyone at least once in their lifetime of owning a boat… That time when you think that you have checked everything and have this confidence that nothing is left to do. You take one last look from stem to stern and come to the conclusion that the time is “now” to launch your boat. So you back it into the water and fire up the outboard (or inboard for the more sophisticated owners) and give the signal for the driver to take the trailer out of the water and find a spot to park.

Some years ago when our oldest had just graduated high school he wanted to take a senior trip and go fishing. We were on Bull Shoals Lake and the scenario above was exactly the way we prepared to go fishing. Everything looked good so I waived at Jeremy to park the truck and trailer and told him we would meet him over at the marina next to the launch ramp. As Tina and I putted out thru the “No wake zone” thru the rental slips I began to notice that the back of the boat was beginning to tread deeper and deeper in the water… Well you guessed it, the boat was filling up with water. Someone forgot the plug?!?!?! I turned the boat around and did not pay attention to the no wake signs and beat it to the loading ramp.

When we got to the bank I bailed out of the boat and stuck my finger in the hole until I could get the plug at the end of the chain and put it into the hole. At this point Jeremy looked at me from a distance and asked what was going on. I told him to get the truck and put the trailer back into the water. I looked over to the right to see a man on a party barge with a huge smile on his face and only said 5 words… “Left the plug out didya?” He then said, “don’t worry if happens to all of us at least once!” I believe it took at least 20 minutes for that boat to empty of all the water as Tina looked on in horror… (She can’t swim)

Another situation comes to mind of when my brother and uncle were fishing and a rain storm came up. It was raining so hard that no matter how fast the drove to the marina the boat steadily filled up with water. As my uncle drove my brother bailed water with a bucket. The boat sunk at the dock in the rain.

There are a lot of incidences in our lives where the boat seems to be sinking. No matter how hard we try we can’t bail the water out fast enough. Things happen that we just can’t get control of. When the disciples put out on to the sea and a storm came up they began to panic and they noticed that Jesus was still asleep. They woke Him and said, “Lord save us! We are perishing”! So what did the Savior say?  Matthew 8: 26-27 “why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. 27) So the men marveled, saying, “Who this can be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?”

So as life puts you in what seems like a sinking boat, remember that if Christ is in your boat it won’t sink…

 “The Greatest Adventure in Life is seen Through the Love of Christ”
Bro John   501-262-0015