A Church of New Beginnings

Sunday School begins at 9:45 am
Morning Praise and Worship 10:45am
Sunday Evening Worship : 5:30 pm

Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm

Thursday, March 28, 2013

From the desk of Pastor John Johnston: 03-26-13

A time to celebrate…

I am not sure about you but this time of year has become my favorite time of year. As a child growing up in Brinkley Arkansas I remember it was Christmas that was the favorite holiday. It stands to reason… we got toys…  Easter was good too, as it had the Easter Bunny and we got to hunt Easter Eggs after church. Yes we celebrated those holidays as Christ’s birth and Resurrection but as a child the glory of both days mostly landed on presents.

Over the years as I have matured, yes I have matured even though some don’t think so; I have come to see how much we need to get back to the major reason to celebrate these days. Since it is Easter I will focus on this holiday. Have you noticed that it truly depends on how you look at Easter as to how you will celebrate it?

For most people it is a great day to get together to show off our new outfits, to hunt Easter Eggs at grandma’s house and maybe go to church if you get up in time… As a young child we got up early and opened our baskets of goodies. We sometimes skipped breakfast due to the candy we devoured. We then got ready for church and went. It was the norm back then… church was automatic. We didn’t set back and ask each other if we were going or not we just got ready and went.

I believe that for a lot of people church has lost its luster. I think that this has happened because somewhere they took their eyes off of the real reason for church. Most people want to just be entertained. Only the most hopping service will due. Only the ones that make me feel good will due. Have we ever stopped and thought about what God intended the church to be? Here’s a thought… have you gone to church to just experience God, to fully feel His presence and to be filled with the Holy Spirit? If you leave church unhappy, have you really found out why? Most times it is due to the fact that we are faced with the reality that we have not been living the way God wants us to live. It is all about us. In 1 Corinthians 13:10 it says “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became an adult, I put away childish things.”

As adults we need to now look at Easter with the eyes of an adult. We need to realize that this celebration is and can be a fun holiday but it is truly about the Resurrection of Christ. We need to celebrate the fact that Christ died on the cross for you and me and now has risen. He has concurred death, He has defeated satan, and He has overcome our sins and now He Lives!!!!!!!

Happy Easter!!!!!

 “Jesus is the reason for this Season”

Where will you be on Easter Morning?????

 “The Greatest Adventure in Life is seen Through the Love of Christ”

Bro John   501-262-0015