A Church of New Beginnings

Sunday School begins at 9:45 am
Morning Praise and Worship 10:45am
Sunday Evening Worship : 5:30 pm

Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm

Monday, October 22, 2012

From the desk of Pastor John: 10-22-12

A Legacy:

Many years ago, a friend of mine once said, “He who dies with the most toys wins!” When this was said there were several of us standing around his new truck and most all had a good laugh from his comment while we all drooled over this new 4 x 4. My friend’s life was full of gathering as much stuff, mostly cars and motorcycles, as he could afford.

Today our lives can be the same way. Sometimes we get caught up in the materialistic world. We tend to spend our entire lives looking for that special something that will fill that void in our hearts… a new car or a new house or maybe if we get a pool….

Monday, October 15, 2012

From the desk of Pastor John: 10-15-12

The First Potluck

We as a church family all know that when we get together for some sort of event and have a potluck we always have plenty of food. It has never been a question as to whether church folk can cook or not. It is a lot of fun to get together, break bread, laugh and have good fellowship with each other. This is what families do.

Monday, October 8, 2012

From the desk of Pastor John: 10-08-12

Decisions, decisions, decisions…

As I was trying to make a decision about today’s blog, the phone rang and I had a very good conversation with one of our church members. After talking to him I sat here and thought about all the decisions we have to make every day. Most of them are only concerned with what to wear or what to eat or what I am going to watch today on TV…

There is one thing that stands out the most. We as humans tend to bypass the major decisions and stick with the easy ones. The hard ones tend to sometimes upset us or depress us. But we still have to deal with them, and when we do sometimes we need help in deciding on what to do…

Friday, October 5, 2012

From the desk of Pastor John: 10-01-12

Why Church…

I truly think that everyone, at some time in their life, will ask the question “Why should I go to church, or maybe they might ask themselves, why should I believe in Jesus Christ?”