A Church of New Beginnings

Sunday School begins at 9:45 am
Morning Praise and Worship 10:45am
Sunday Evening Worship : 5:30 pm

Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm

Monday, December 31, 2012

From the desk of Pastor John Johnston: 12-31-12

Happy New Year:

Wow, so 2012 is gone… where did it go? You know, I seem to be blown away at how fast the years go by. (I am sure it has nothing to do with getting older…J) This has been a great year for Twin Lakes. We have seen some come to Christ, we have seen some old friends come back and we have made new friends as well.

So what do you think? Do we need to make New Year’s resolutions to make changes? I can remember all my life hearing all the old things like losing weight, working out, losing weight, working out, you know the same old things every year. Sunday I told all those who had no power just how lucky they were not to have to watch 50,000 commercials on losing weight and working out… The bad thing is that you could change channels to get away from a particular commercial and it would be airing on 4 other channels at the same time.

What we really need to do is to have a resolution that we will keep; one that we will not have to worry about keeping or having to pay money for it. Since many of you were not able to make it to church on Sunday I thought I would share with you a little of what we talked about. Our problem is not coming up with New Year’s Resolutions; it is being committed to complete them.

If something in your life is worth resolving then we need to commit to resolving it quickly. They say you can make or break a habit in 4 weeks. This happens to be true… Don’t believe it??? Give it a try. If you need to make a lifestyle change, do it for 4 weeks and see if it sticks. Here is a question… What about church? What is needed to commit to coming to church on a regular bases? I gave the folks in church this past Sunday a new resolution… “Honor God” Think of it this way, if we were all to Honor God, our lives would improve. We would see a change in those who are close to us. (You see, we all feed off of each other) So, if the people around us start to Honor God then it would trickle down to our children. This would also trigger the desire to go to God’s house to worship. Once we act upon that desire our family and friends would notice the difference. They would develop a desire to be happy as well, so they would ask where the change came from. As we tell them how you got there they would most likely want to become a part as well.

God’s desire is to become a part of our lives. He wants to bless our lives and show us how to live an abundant life. So what is your desire? Normally I put a verse in here for you to read. Today I want you to blow the dust off of your Bible and look up Deut. 6: 5-8 and read what it says. Most importantly look at the verses and truly ask God to reveal to you what you need to adopt as your New Year’s Resolution.

It is time to quite playing around with our lives and to become committed to God and to Honor His ways…

“The Greatest Adventure in Life is seen Through the Love of Christ”

Bro John   501-262-0015